PCSG delivers pre-construction services without the commitment to one contractor. Our services can be tailored to meet the specific demands of the project and scaled for the needs of our clients.
We are builders.
You hire a construction company when you are ready to begin the building process. Now you can hire a contractor when you begin the planning process.
By providing construction expertise before construction begins the process of design and construction improves:
Better planning results in:
PROFESSIONALISM - You will receive services promised at the time and price agreed.
HONESTY - Your project is worthy of an honest estimate of cost, time, and risk.
SAVINGS - It is your money...keep it!
It is our job to find discrepancies, solve complex problems, and help you get your project started. Value-engineering and cost savings belong to the Owner. Whether you are a public entity spending everyone's tax dollars or a private entity spending your own, our job is to save you time and money and there is no split or percentage fee.
We are builders.